Facade/entrance in Living Place Hotel

Living Place Hotel


魅力的なイタリアのヴィラノバに位置する4つ星のLiving Place Hotelで、素晴らしい滞在を体験してください。賑やかな市中心部からわずか0.8マイルの距離にあり、このホテルは便利さと静けさの完璧な融合を提供します。イタリアの魅力を感じながら、美味しい朝食を楽しんでから探検の一日を始めましょう。5434の素晴らしいレビューを持つこのホテルは、すべての旅行者にとって思い出に残る滞在を約束します。

Living Place Hotelは、Via Properzia de’ Rossiに位置し、滞在中にさまざまなアメニティを楽しむよう招待します。リラックスできる屋外プールや無料の専用駐車場、無料Wi-Fi、24時間対応のフロントデスクなど、このホテルはすべてのゲストのニーズに応えます。フィットネスセンター、ガーデンビューの客室、ルームサービスを利用して、体験を向上させましょう。さらに、ペット可の宿泊施設やエアコン完備の客室で、快適さが保証されています。

ヴィラノバの美しさに浸りながら、庭でリラックスしたり、館内のレストランで食事を楽しんだりしてください。ビジネスでもレジャーでも、Living Place Hotelはすべてのニーズに応えます。$62から始まる価格で、このホテルは主要なロケーションでの贅沢な滞在に素晴らしい価値を提供します。今すぐ滞在を予約して、Living Place Hotelで思い出に残るイタリアの休暇を楽しんでください。

Bed in Living Place Hotel
Bed in Living Place Hotel


Prestige Double Room in Living Place Hotel


1 キングサイズベッド


260 平方フィート

プレステージ, キングサイズ






1 キングサイズベッド

プレステージ, バリアフリー

Prestige Family Room in Living Place Hotel


2 ダブルベッド


260 平方フィート

Prestige Family






Living Place Hotel内に位置するリビングレストランで、料理の旅をお楽しみください。モダンな雰囲気を提供し、美味しいイタリア料理を提供するこのレストランは、ビラノバでの探索の後に味覚を満たすのに最適なスポットです。伝統的なパスタ料理を味わいたい方も、本格的なイタリアンピザを楽しみたい方も、館内のレストランはすべての好みに応じており、ゲストにとって楽しいダイニング体験を提供します。ホテル内の便利なロケーションにより、美味しい食事を楽しむことがこれまでになく簡単になりました。

暖かい季節には、ゲストはホテルの屋外プールを利用できます。年齢制限はなく、誰でもリフレッシュできるひと泳ぎやプールサイドでの日光浴を楽しむことができます。朝のスイミングで一日を始めたい方も、観光の後にプールでリラックスしたい方も、この季節限定のアメニティはLiving Place Hotelでの滞在にさらなるリラクゼーションを加えます。穏やかな雰囲気の中で、ゆったりと泳いだり、ただくつろいで静かな雰囲気を楽しんだりしてください。

ペットと一緒に旅行する方には、Living Place Hotelはペットフレンドリーな施設です。事前にリクエストすれば、あなたの四足の友達もイタリアの冒険に参加できます。ペットを連れてくる際には料金が発生する場合があることにご注意ください。すべてのゲスト、特に愛するペットを含むゲストにとって、シームレスで楽しい滞在を保証します。無料のWi-Fi、無料の専用駐車場、すべてのニーズに応えるために設計されたさまざまなアメニティを備えたLiving Place Hotelは、ペットを連れた訪問者を含むすべての訪問者にとって楽しく便利な体験を約束します。

Lobby or reception in Living Place Hotel
Bird's eye view in Living Place Hotel










Fitness centre/facilities in Living Place Hotel
Restaurant/places to eat in Living Place Hotel


屋外, 全年齢


Swimming pool in Living Place Hotel
Swimming pool in Living Place Hotel


Living Restaurant

モダンな, イタリアン

Breakfast in Living Place Hotel
Restaurant/places to eat in Living Place Hotel
Swimming pool in Living Place Hotel
Everything was generally very good. Good sized room, good shower. Rooms cleaned very well. Had a fridge and tea/coffee facilities. Huge pool, nice friendly staff. I wanted a late check out but couldn't get it because a large party was checking in that day. The reception staff were so apologetic that they couldn't meet my request they didn't charge me for the water I had from the fridge or the tea and coffee that we had in the hotel restraunt the evening before.


I was upgraded to a recently refurbished room. The beds were excellent as was the whole room. The air conditioner was one of the quietest I've seen. Comfort was excellent. Breakfast was typical of hotels, i.e. plentiful with lots of variety. Very good. Staff was very professional and considerate. The swimming pool was excellent and was included in the price. Considering the pool and breakfast, getting a deal here is excellent value for money.


Perfect location outside South of Bologna, if you are driving and you want to have 2/3 days of total relax and good food, stua here. Claudio, the receptionist, was really nice during the check-in . We arrived really late and he gave us all necessary information for our stay. Breakfast was exceptional, with local food, artisan cakes, different options between sweet and savoury foods.


Great value for money. We got a quiet, clean, well equipped and comfortable room with two separate beds. A very generous breakfast was excellent for starting our day. We traveled by public transport and the bus stop was around the corner - maybe 3 minutes by walking.


We stayed at the Prestigious Roomz and they were clean, beds were comfortable. The swimming pool was massive and clean. The party venue was execellent. Staff were friendly and some able to speak English. Bus 89 is accessible to get to the town.


Everything was generally very good. Good sized room, good shower. Rooms cleaned very well. Had a fridge and tea/coffee facilities. Huge pool, nice friendly staff. I wanted a late check out but couldn't get it because a large party was checking in that day. The reception staff were so apologetic that they couldn't meet my request they didn't charge me for the water I had from the fridge or the tea and coffee that we had in the hotel restraunt the evening before.


I was upgraded to a recently refurbished room. The beds were excellent as was the whole room. The air conditioner was one of the quietest I've seen. Comfort was excellent. Breakfast was typical of hotels, i.e. plentiful with lots of variety. Very good. Staff was very professional and considerate. The swimming pool was excellent and was included in the price. Considering the pool and breakfast, getting a deal here is excellent value for money.


Perfect location outside South of Bologna, if you are driving and you want to have 2/3 days of total relax and good food, stua here. Claudio, the receptionist, was really nice during the check-in . We arrived really late and he gave us all necessary information for our stay. Breakfast was exceptional, with local food, artisan cakes, different options between sweet and savoury foods.


Great value for money. We got a quiet, clean, well equipped and comfortable room with two separate beds. A very generous breakfast was excellent for starting our day. We traveled by public transport and the bus stop was around the corner - maybe 3 minutes by walking.


We stayed at the Prestigious Roomz and they were clean, beds were comfortable. The swimming pool was massive and clean. The party venue was execellent. Staff were friendly and some able to speak English. Bus 89 is accessible to get to the town.


Everything was generally very good. Good sized room, good shower. Rooms cleaned very well. Had a fridge and tea/coffee facilities. Huge pool, nice friendly staff. I wanted a late check out but couldn't get it because a large party was checking in that day. The reception staff were so apologetic that they couldn't meet my request they didn't charge me for the water I had from the fridge or the tea and coffee that we had in the hotel restraunt the evening before.


I was upgraded to a recently refurbished room. The beds were excellent as was the whole room. The air conditioner was one of the quietest I've seen. Comfort was excellent. Breakfast was typical of hotels, i.e. plentiful with lots of variety. Very good. Staff was very professional and considerate. The swimming pool was excellent and was included in the price. Considering the pool and breakfast, getting a deal here is excellent value for money.


Perfect location outside South of Bologna, if you are driving and you want to have 2/3 days of total relax and good food, stua here. Claudio, the receptionist, was really nice during the check-in . We arrived really late and he gave us all necessary information for our stay. Breakfast was exceptional, with local food, artisan cakes, different options between sweet and savoury foods.


Great value for money. We got a quiet, clean, well equipped and comfortable room with two separate beds. A very generous breakfast was excellent for starting our day. We traveled by public transport and the bus stop was around the corner - maybe 3 minutes by walking.


We stayed at the Prestigious Roomz and they were clean, beds were comfortable. The swimming pool was massive and clean. The party venue was execellent. Staff were friendly and some able to speak English. Bus 89 is accessible to get to the town.



Via Properzia De Rossi, Castenaso, 40138, イタリア

Living Place Hotel